I suck at this…

I’ve been really bad at keeping this site updated… my apologies for that. Hopefully, with the way some things are working out, I might be able to start keeping this site updated a bit more regularly. If there is anything you guys would be interested in seeing regularly here on the site, feel free to reach out with your suggestions.

Just as a fun little thing, I’ve added a couple of new hats to the nerdshop: “Something Smells” and “You’re a wizard, Haggard!”. Check them out. 🙂

We’re Getting Close To Finishing Up Factorio…

We are getting VERY close to wrapping up Factorio and I need everyone to go in and vote for what game they want to see after we launch the rocket. Vote for as many games as you like and if there isn’t a game there, you can go in and make a suggestion at the bottom and I’ll add it in so that others can vote on it as well. Thanks for your participation! 😁👍 https://goo.gl/forms/i41GpTweil7vilQ22

The Holiday Giveaway is LIVE

Super quick and simple update here… the holiday giveaway is live now!  The giveaway will run from now until December 17th @ 8pm est and THREE winners will be announced during the livestream that night.  The prizes are one of two Nintendo 3DS XLs and one $100 USD Steam Digital Gift Card.

You can find the giveaway here: https://gleam.io/j1Nds/thehaggardnerds-holiday-giveaway

December Update

Oh wow guys… I need to get better at keeping this site updated. 🙂

I’ve been using the Community tab on Youtube more and more, but I need to make sure not to forget to add those updates here, along with the other platforms I have a presence on.   Anyway, here’s a nice copy/paste of the update I just posted over on YT.  Some awesome info here, so check it out!

Alright guys! Thank you all so much for all of your responses on these recent polls. Your feedback means a lot and it really does help me out. I wanted to go ahead and give you guys a quick text update to cover some important things until I can work up the actual update videos. There’s some really important info below, so make sure you check it out!

–Recent Poll Results–
► Game voting: You guys have chosen TerraTech for the upcoming Community Voted Game. I played this game ago and really enjoyed it then. It’s going to be fun to check out what has changed about the game and what has been added since. The Community Voted stream will be here on Youtube tomorrow (12/3) @ 7pm est, so come hang out! Also, game suggestions have opened back up, so make sure you get your suggestions in by December 26th for the next round of voting.

► Factorio: You guys have made your voices clear: You want to see another game after I finish the current Factorio run. I’ll start doing some digging to see what might be a good game to do a new series on, but if you guys have suggestions, we can discuss them here or over on Discord (www.discord.me/thehaggardnerd). We still have a few more weeks left before I can launch that rocket, so we have plenty of time to choose the perfect game.

► I’ve been on the fence about streaming on Twitch vs YouTube but you guys have clearly chosen Youtube as your preferred streaming platform. That being said, All this coming week (December 3rd-December 7th) I’ll be streaming over on Youtube as an experiment to see if the viewership and activity is there to support switching back over. I really enjoy the interactive-ness that Twitch provides, but I want to make it as easy as possible for you guys to come and hang out for the livestreams. Make sure you come to one (or all) of the livestreams this week and say hi! I’ll be streaming my normal schecule: M/W/F @ 7pm est.

–Other Important Info–
► Astroneer Key Giveaway: I’ll be doing a giveaway for an Astroneer game key this Friday, December 7th live on stream. I’ll have a way for you guys to type something into chat to enter, and in between recording episode 3 and 4, I’ll choose someone at random to win the key. You have to be present to win, so make sure you are there!

► Christmas Giveaway: I don’t have any proper links for you just yet, but I’m doing a huge giveaway for christmas. For this giveaway, I have not one, but TWO Nintendo 3DS XLs (Galaxy Style) to give away and a $100(usd) Steam Gift Card. This means that we’ll have 3 winners total. It’s going to be AWESOME! Keep an eye out for an announcement video in the next day or so with information about where and how to enter.

► New Awesome Merch: If you guys haven’t already heard, I have recently opened the THN merch store! I plan on doing a proper video once I receive some items I ordered but the store is already open and accepting orders. I worked with some artists to put together some awesome designs for you guys, so go check it out here: https://teespring.com/stores/thehaggardnerds-merch-store

► December Updates & Scheduling: I’ll post a proper video for you guys once I have a solid schedule worked up for this month. With the holidays fast approaching and family coming in to visit, I know I’m going to have to shift around (or potentially miss) a stream or so… but I’ll have more information for you guys soon. Right now, I’m thinking the potentially affected days are December 20th-26th, and possibly New Years Eve on Monday, December 31st.

► Elite Dangerous Fans: I know some of you guys here really enjoy my ED content and I do apologize for not having more episodes up already. It’s been a rough past couple of months that has really messed up my scheduling. I hope to have more episodes recorded and up as soon as possible. I haven’t given up!

► Cidermaking Videos: I know I said I’d let that last batch of cider sit for 30 days to age… and that was back in June. I’m hoping to put everything together to do the update video on that either this weekend (December 8th/9th) or the following weekend (December 15th/16th). I have been meaning to get back around to kegging up that 1 gallon batch (along with some others) but has life just kept me busy and away from cidermaking. Update video soon, I promise!

I know this was a huge update, but I figured this is the easiest way to get the info out asap and be a good holdover until I can get the update videos up. Thanks to everyone for your time and I’ll catch you later!

Wonderful News! My YT Channel is back!

The community spoke out and YT listened… I’ve got my channel back.  Thanks to each and every one of you that has reached out to me and has shown your support.  It means the world to me.

Now that I’m back, the format is going to change a little bit… I’m now affiliated with Twitch, so all my gaming livestreams will be there only.  I’ll then cut my episodes like normal and post them to YT as I always have been.  If I have any IRL stuff I want to stream, I’ll do that on YT.

You can see my announcement video here:

Wow… Thats not good.

So its seems my Youtube account just got terminated.

I’m thinking it is because I used Tubebuddy to bulk update the poll.ly link on a large number of videos, but I cannot say for certain.

I’ve requested an appeal and I’m waiting to hear back from Youtube.  I’ll keep this site updated with more info as I find it.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep my usual stream schedule over on Twitch.  I’ll see you guys there. http://www.twitch.tv/thehaggardnerd